Do not know where your money goes? Cannot plan your budget? Trying to cut down expenses or just want to keep your finances under control? So the app "Expense Manager" is created especially for control and accounting of your money. Now your finances are always under control in your mobile phone. Make changes, add expenses, adjust incomes, do it on the move. Do not keep expenses in your head; do not hoard checks and extracts. Only a couple of clicks and the app "Expense Manager" will remember, analyze and distribute everything for you. Our simple and intuitive design makes it easy to navigate the broad functionality of the application.
- List of expense and income operations;
- Submission of totals for expenses and incomes for the current week, month, year;
- Reference book of expenses and incomes categories with custom grouping;
- Ability to add new categories "on the move";
- Report's generation for various periods, easy and informative visualization;
Also regular updates and improvements.</div> <div class="id-app-translated-desc" style="display:none">不知道你的钱去?不能计划你的预算是多少?试图削减开支,或者只是想控制住你的财务状况?因此应用程序“管理费用”是专为控制和核算你的钱创建的。现在,你的财政状况始终处于受控于您的手机。进行更改,添加支出,调整收入,做到这一点在移动。不要让支出在你的头上;不囤检查和提取物。只有一对夫妇的点击和应用程序“管理费用”会记得,分析和分发你的一切。我们的简单和直观的设计使得它易于导航的应用程序的广泛的功能。
- 支出和收入业务的清单;
- 提交的总计支出和收入本期周,月,年;
- 开支和收入类别,有自定义分组参考书;
- 能够“移动”添加新类别;
- 报告的生成各个时期,容易和信息可视化;
还定期更新和改进。</div> <div class="show-more-end">